Sunday, September 28, 2014

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Child dies for lack of sh. 350000 - Global Publishers
And Makongoro Oging 'Baby Irene Adolf (12) (pictured), a resident of Chang'ombe Security, who is also the fifth grade student in Primary School in Temeke District in Dar Ndarara, has died after a medical absence of 350,000 shillings. According to the mother of the child, Blandina Benedict (44), who spoke to this newspaper, Irene died last Tuesday at the Muhimbili National Hospital had been admitted as kokua kidneys stop working. gem tv Blandina said: "'Before I throw him any hospital late had become a problem gem tv aching eyes, I brought Temeke District Hospital where he was given medication drops but did not help, I went to Muhimbili National Hospital. "Measurements Allied detected abnormally kidneys are not working so had to be cleaned and the doctors said that kidney cleaning machine that does not exist in the hospital but is available in a private hospital and I was told it cost him one million. "Borrowed six hundred thousand shillings and a half, I took the hospital they refused they insisted that they must reach one million, I kept searching but I have not gotten my son before he dies while holding the Bible," she said mournfully.
I mean this is more of a fork. Not Muhimbili hospital MACHINE NATIONAL AND THERE MONEY OUT AND LEADERS are packaged to give up our religion, undertaken WITHOUT MERCY. O God TUNAKUACHIA issue. AS A PRIVATE hospital WANAUWEZO MACHINE TO HAVE AND HOW THE NATION? MEMBERS (women micheba) HAVE LIE TO STAY ASSEMBLY continue to loot. They do not critically re-discussed MADACTARI COMMISSION ISSUE FOR bored. WITH THE HELP OF GOD 2015 founder to give punishment for such people. Sorry IRINE PARENTS OF GOD give them patience. AMEN. Comment by olive Said on July 3, 2012 at 1:16 pm
HMMMMMM INAUM LOT FOR NN WASINGEMTIBIA first and then they said it would take BADAE JAMNII MONEY DO NOT have MADOCT TRUE PERSON IS MANA PESAAA They look just WANAPIGWA Comment by David charles bruise on June 27, 2012 at 11:59 pm
sorry my mother, my God and my heavenly father support you and strengthen you in complex power yako.hawa doctors so that they hit, they have no mercy before death kabisa.pesa back Maulid Comment by marsha marsha on June 27, 2012 at 9:46 am
I mean really very sad, our country is concerned about blank about everything that is 50 years of freedom even facilities Hospital no with their money they tibia india or country zingiine those who can not afford not eaten Oh god why sad, there are people playing for money every dawning day except child as he missed a treatment that is heartening money a person die while you see and how you are doing, actually developed in our country is a dream. Comment by Jump Bakari on June 26, 2012 at 7:18 pm
Ingekua well the government to look at is how many people who could get in trouble for magojnwa nawakawa able to go to India? Hoptali of the government but lack the facilities to pay for equipment available !!!!! People who can not afford more than they are blessed with the ability to go out, Oh GOD BLESS NIGERIA TOO WAONDOLEE TANZANIANS DISEASES. <Previous 1 2 Next> Page
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Yesterday (Tuesday) police detonated tear gas to disperse supporters of the Union for Democracy and Development (Chadema) who had gathered in Soweto Parks in Arusha for a farewell bodies of three colleagues who lost their lives in ...
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