Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The garter is super healthy and very good for the eyes! It contains six times as much as an average

They taste like green beans but stronger, spicier and stronger. It is not cooked but it is fried and stewed, sometimes with meat or other vegetables and / or herbs. In the Netherlands, also known as "asparagus bean" or in English "the yard-long bean" called because they can be almost a meter long, but in Suriname know them only under one name ... ..
It looks like a long haricot but did you know that they do not even family of the bean, bean or runner bean? Garter plant is a vine with beautiful flowers and gives very solid long pods of up to 30 centimeters to sometimes more than 90 inches long! Most of the Garter is harvested when they are about 50 inches long because the longer the pod the harder they are namely. Garter needs a lot of heat and power and is cultivated in tropical Asian regions, South America, and is probably native to the tropical areas of Africa.
The garter is super healthy and very good for the eyes! It contains six times as much as an average zeaxanthin vegetables, and twice as much lutein. These are both antioxidants that are good for the eyes. They protect against the harmful effects of UV light. In addition it contains locale shoes calcium, folic acid, magnesium, locale shoes manganese, phosphorus, potassium, protein, riboflavin, thiamine, but also vitamins A and C.
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