Monday, February 3, 2014

The SAK U16 invites you cordially to the open air concert

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Ekipa SAK U16 vas prisrčno VABI na koncert 'pesem povezuje', ki bo v petek, 17.06.2011 whether 20 uri pred Kulturnim domom na Radišah. V kulturnem programu bodo nastopili kvintet Bratov Smrtnik, dvojni kvartet Carinthia iz Millstatta ter domači kvartet "V Črnicah". Skozi kulturni program bo vodil moderator Yuri Perc. V predprodaji so vstopnice po 8 Evrov (večerna blagajna 10 -) kupite jih lahko v knjigarni Haček, pri Mohorjevi, paris fashion week ter na domačih tekmah članske ekipe. Vstopnina each name jena naraščaju SAK. SAK se veseli vašega obiska!
The SAK U16 invites you cordially to the open air concert 'songs connect paris fashion week / pesem povezuje' a. Take place the concert will be on Friday, 17.06.2011, paris fashion week at 20.00 clock in front of the House of Culture on Radsberg / Radiše. Occurrence are the extremely popular "Kvintet Bratov paris fashion week Smrtnik", the double quartet of the famous choir Millstatt Carinthia, and the popular local quartet "V Črnicah". paris fashion week Will moderate the event Jurij Perc. The presale tickets are for the price of EUR 8, - (Box EUR 10, -) available. It sells the tickets at the bookstore Haček, paris fashion week the bookstore Mohorjeva and at the home games of the Combat Team. The net proceeds will be used SAK young to Good. The SAC is pleased with their participation!

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