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It started out like a fairy tale. The boys showed self-confidence, and also put some playful accents and after a few minutes it was 1-0 for the SAK and against the unofficial world champion and winner of the Nike World Final in Manchester. After the 1-1, there was a huge opportunity, but which was foggy. kittel Increasingly, Dinamo took the lead. With a - for the SAK-Boys satisfactory - result of 3-1, it went into the break. The second half was as expected the home team, which scored in the first 35 minutes, a further 4 goals, but also the SAK-learning achieved a hit from a free kick. In the last 10 minutes lacked the power and the Agramer were - as expected - raise their quick passing game. For our boys it was still a great experience - sporty and humanly enriching. Very many of them will probably be able to tell proudly against this or that future star (Halilović, Brekalo or Lovren, to name just a few) to have played. This friendly kittel game and experience (s) have made it possible: Sport Speaker Governor Dr. Peter Kaiser country's sporting director Reg Council kittel Reinhard Tellian Kärnten Werbung (wife Barbara Tschöscher) Mag Gašpar Ogris-Martic, CEO CUBIS - steaks & more (Ržišnik & Perc doo, Šenčur pri Kranju)
Začelo per se kot v pravljici: 1:0 za SAK - in to proti neuradnemu svetovnemu prvaku, ki per zmagal letošnji kittel Nike World Final v Manchestru. Prva polovica per se za SAK - proti pričakovanju - končala razveseljivo - 3:1. V drugi polovici annum per fantom pojenjala MOC. Samo v zadnjih desetih minutah so Golov dobili 5. Dinamo per igral kot iz knjige. Iz prostega strela pa so zadeli tudi Naši. Končni Rezultat 12:2. Kljub temu per bil za fante to lep izlet. Znana in priznana šola DINAMA per bila šola tudi za naše fante. Mnogi izmed Njih pa bodo lahko ponosno pripovedovali because so igrali proti tej ali oni Zvezdi (npr. Halilović, Brekalo, Lovren itd). Vsekakor človeško in športno zanimiva izkušnja. Izlet, prijateljsko IGRO in izkušnje so omogočili: Deželni Športni referee, dr. Peter Kaiser Director športnega kittel Urada Koroške, vladni svetnik Reinhard Tellian Kärnten Werbung (Barbara Tschöscher) Mag Gašpar Ogris-Martic (CEO) CUBIS Steakhouse & more (Ržišnik & Perc doo, Šenčur pri Kranju
SAK SAK Sponsor News Night 2014 Pripravljalne tekme vigred kittel 2014 test matches spring 2014 12:2-Poraz kittel proti Dinamu Zagreb 12:2 defeat against Dinamo Zagreb Proti St. Florianu naj bi sledil sedmi udar! Against St. Florian is to follow the seventh stroke! Prvi Koroški derbi per hkrati Zadnji pred Domaco publiko First Carinthian Derby is the same also the last of the season
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