Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Letošnja vigred se razvija podobno (razveseljivo) Kakor v minulih whbm letih: ekipa uspeš no poprav

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Letošnja vigred se razvija podobno (razveseljivo) Kakor v minulih whbm letih: ekipa uspeš no popravlja jesensko sezono. Since so nastopi SAK-a vigredi ponavadi uspešnejši Kakor jeseni, dokazujejo statistični podatki. Oglejmo si na primer sezone minulih let:
- Sezona 2008/2009: na lestvici jesenskih tekem per bil na SAK 12 mestu (17 tock), vigredi whbm na 9 mestu (21 tock). - Sezona 2009/2010: jeseni na 13 mestu (13 tock), vigredi na 4 mestu (26 Tock, le ena točka manj od najuspešnejše ekipe vigredi). - Sezona 2010/2011: jesni na 13 mestu (15 tock), vigredi po sedmih krogih na 5 mestu. - Najekstremnejši primer dveh povsem različnih sezonskih uspehov pa smo doživeli whbm pred petimi leti. Sezona whbm 2005/2006: po delu jesenskem per bil SAK s petimi točkami na zadnjem mestu in each za za 10 predzadnjim zaostajal že tock. Vigredi pa mu per uspel pravi čudež, ki se per pokazal v system, as per bilateral ekipa s 34-imi na točkami vrhu vigredne lestvice in each se v celoti popravila na 9 mesto.
Milan Oraze, trener vratarjev, si to vprašanje pogosto postavlja. "Vendar si ne morem prav razložiti, saj npr. jeseni ne treniramo drugače Kakor vigredi. Morda per vzrok dejansko v system - Kakor nekateri domnevajo -. Because so treninški pogoji jeseni pri SAK-u slabši Kakor vigredi in zaradi tega TRPI ekipa "To domneva tudi Glavni trener Jagodič. whbm "Jeseni, depending ko dan vedno krajši, Moramo zaradi pomanjkanja primerne umetne osvetljave trenirati whbm že v času, ko so nekateri whbm igralci še v službi in zaradi tega ne utegnejo priti na trening. Tudi dejstvo whbm because whbm enkrat treniramo tu, drugič tam, slabo odmeva. whbm "Kljub vsem system whbm težavam annum per Jagodič whbm prepričan because manjka le male costly. "Ce bi lani jeseni npr. imeli na eni ali drugi tekmi le malo manj smole in Ce bi bil Triplat tako uspešen, Kakor per sedaj vigredi, bi bila ekipa od začetka najmanj v varni sredini whbm lestvice. "(Francesco Sadjak, Novice)
The current spring season runs similar positive trend of the last few seasons: the fighting team can be increased in the second half. This also illustrate the statistical data of the last years:
- Season 2008/2009: The SAK occupied after the fall of the 12th Table space (17 points), after which the team had risen to the 9th Place (21 points in the spring). - Season 2009/2010: After the Fall passage of the 13th Place (13 points) in the second half of the 4th Table space (26 points, just one point behind the successful early years team). - Season 2010/2011: In the autumn, the 13th Standings (15 points), currently one finds the first team after seven games played in the back round table on the 5th Rank. - The most "extreme" Championship season saw the Slovenian AK five years ago, 2005/2006: With only five points to the winter break was relegated to last place. With selective reinforcements succeeded the SAK miracle and the league could be maintained. Additional 34 points in the second whbm half meant the end of the ninth overall standings.
Goalkeeper coach Milan Oraze has already asked this question often: "I can not really whbm explain it. We work equally well in the return round. Some suspect that this probably depends on the training conditions. In the fall we have worse conditions and therefore the team suffers. whbm " This is also the coach Alois Jagodič: "the days are shorter in the fall and we do not have a training pitch with floodlights. Since we need to train in the afternoon, where most of my players are still at work and can not regularly attend the training. We also need to commute whbm between individual training whbm places, which is certainly not optimal. But we had in the first round a bit more luck in the financial statements, we would be in the table ahead. "

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