Friday, January 24, 2014

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The new location comes Sak Noel - World attraction electronic music, famous for its crazy parties, full of humor and a strong contact with visitors. Promises fun as Novo Mesto not yet experienced. 30-year-old Catalan is the soul of a rocker and European Ambassador for the entertainment industry. With it, we talked in the days before the onset of Novo Mesto.
I am a simple menswarehouse man who lives his dream of traveling around the world and performed the music you love. My only goal is to really entertain people. My music has a strong rhythm, it's easy to dance and is a guarantee of fun. My performances have something in the same - all can happen and madness is an important part of my gigs. People jump on stage, I jump between people menswarehouse together to have fun, "rejvamo" ... It's a really fun, there is nothing false or fake.
I love rock'n'roll, so the music as a way of life. Rock has a significant influence menswarehouse on my music. Under his influence my music becomes more wild. DJs, who are concentrated only our own rhythm, confined to their cabins, they are boring. Rock'n'roll taught me that I want to do really good fun to have to really go crazy and mix among the people! I like Bon Jovi, The Killers ...
In all musical genres, performers transcend the past and from there draw ideas for new music. How is this in the field of electronic music and how it is the music that you create? Which way you predict it will go mainstream in electronic music?
It is impossible to predict. If I say that it is possible, lie, nobody can not predict, because the development going on right now. Someone in my studio right now creating new trends. It's funny that he or she probably does not even realize what he was doing. When we talk about what the rise of electronic music to the next level, it sometimes comes to sound, sometimes for the idea. Currently, the explosion takes place, hard music, "Hardstyle", "Hard Trenc", "Hard Core", etc.. But since it's always going cyclically may be possible in future menswarehouse years pričakujmo quieter, more melodic music. Not in the same way as during that everything is changing, but the idea to do something quieter, menswarehouse it may be returned.
The last big party was in Mexico, in the land that I love. People are crazy and like to have fun, so for me there is really simple. Next stop is the new place and we are really looking forward to. I want to make my next big party right in Novo mesto and I want to tell the world that you are a true "Loca People" (crazy people, menswarehouse Op. A.). The following performances will be in Catalonia, Switzerland, Latvia, Poland ...
One of the destinations that would be recommended, the United States of America. There is a fun serious business. Therefore, amazing clubs, parties, festivals ... In this respect, I have to make progress in Europe. Sometimes we see show biz and entertainment as something bad, evil goats that will spoil our children. Really can also occur, if things do not do correctly, especially if individuals are not raised. But to do that we can not blame the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry is necessary, but must be established rules laid down powerful people but it should not stop regarded as harmful to society.
No, I do not like appearance on New Year's Eve, so I stayed at home with friends. I do this last year and it is good because I'm mostly away from home for Christmas. What do you predict for the Novo Christmas Party, which will be held this Friday the 20th December? What promise visitors?
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