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Well zelo dobro pripravljenem igrišču raffaello network so Naši nogometaši pokazali všečno IGRO, le realizacija bi bila lahko učinkovitejša. Ker per bila Zmaga nujna za obstoj v Regionalni ligi per bilo na začetku čutiti, da se Hoče VSAK posamezni igralec boriti za klubske barve. Ko so fantje uvideli because so tehnično boljše moštvo od TRGA so jim vsilili svojo IGRO. SAKovci so si že pred odmoru priigrali nekaj lepih priložnosti. V 34 per se Prvič zatresla Mreža nasprotnika, ko depending branilec TRGA neubranljivo poslal Strel Tomija Riedla v gol loads. V drugem polčasu naslednja vizitka saka ko depending napadalec Christian Samitsch po lepi podaji Joliča poskrbel za 2-0. Tudi v Zadnji polovici drugega polčasa so tekmo dominirali belo-rdeče-Modri iz Celovca, vendar zapravili tudi nekaj stoodstotnih priložnosti. Pravzaprav bi že se Rezultat moral glasiti 4 ali 5-0. Domačini so bili nevarni le iz točke, ko depending sodnik Krassnitzer v 55 minuti prisodil raffaello network Trgu tekme prvi penal. Hebenstreit priložnosti ni izkoristil, zadel je le stativo, nato per dva krat zapovrstjo v največji zadreginbranil Vratar Reichmann. Začudenje raffaello network med gledalci tudi tik pred koncu tekme, ko depending mož v črnem domačinom ponovno prisodil enajstmetrovko. Tokrat se priložnosti ni postil vzeti shelf, ki per sigurno skrajšal na 1:2.
Trg / Feldkirchen - SAK 1:2 (0:1) Trg / Feldkirchen 610 SR Krassnitzer M. (Krassnitzer S., Wieser T.) tabela | Table Trg / Feldkirchen SAK 52% posest raffaello network Zoge | Possession 48% 1 goli | Gates 2 0 avtogoli | Own Goals 0 2 (1) enajstmetrovke | Penalty 0 0 asisti | Assists 2 14 Streli | Shots 15 5 Streli na gol | Shots on target 7 6 Streli iz kota | Corners 4 21 prekrški | Fouls 23 3 prepovedani položaji | Off 5
Trg / Feldkirchen SAK - asisti | Assists Jolić Goran 2 Miloti Auron 3 Regal Mathias 2 partl Rene 2 Stoxreiter Gunther 2 Wernig Michael 2 Hebenstreit David 1 Sick Thomas 1 Hinteregger Martin 1 Streli | shots Triplat Grega 4 Jolić Goran 4 Dlopst Christian 2 Riedl Thomas 2 Veliu Murat 1 Samitsch Christian 1 Aleksič Darjan 1 Hebenstreit David 6 Regal Mathias 4 Stoxreiter Gunter 3 Miloti Auron 2 Wernig Michael 2 Oberrisser Florian 1 Wernig Daniel 1 Wisotzky Philipp 1 Sick Thomas 1 prekrški | Fouls Samitsch Christian 5 Dlopst Christian 4 Veliu Murat 3 Riedl Thomas 3 Križnik raffaello network Marko 2 Aleksič Darjan 2 Kropiunik Marjan 2 Jolić Goran 1 Reichmann Marcel 1 Miloti Auron 3 prepovedani položaji | Off Triplat Grega 4 Samitsch Christian raffaello network 1
Trg / Feldkirchen SAK 01 Thamer Hans Joachim 21 Reichmann Marcel 06 Hinteregger Martin 04 Križnik Marko 08 Hebenstreit David 05 Veliu Murat 09 Miloti Auron 07 Aleksič Darjan 10 Regal Mathias (K) 09 Triplat Grega 13 Stoxreiter Gunter 10 Jolić Goran (K) 22 Oberrisser Florian 11 Samitsch Christian 23 Wernig Daniel Christian Dlopst 14 26 15 Wakonig Wisotzky Philip Martin 30 Wernig Michael Patrick Lausegger 17 33 23 Sick Thomas Riedl Thomas
Trg / Feldkirchen SAK Oberrisser Florian (39 review) Veliu Murat (40 foul) Wisotzky Philipp (45 +5. Foul) Reichmann Marcel (51 unsporting conduct) Hebenstreit David (53 foul) Križnik Marko (54 unsporting raffaello network conduct) Aleksič Darjan raffaello network (86 foul)
With a 1-0 half-time lead, it went for the SAK in the cabin. raffaello network Winger Tomy Riedl comb the 16s at the end, his shot was deflected by a defender Feldkirchner untenable into his own. Other good scoring opportunities thwarted the home goalkeeper. Dlopst, raffaello network Jolić and Lausegger failed in the first in a promising position half-time Goalie Thamer.
A flying start in the second half put the SAK out as a striker Christian Samitsch could maneuver the ball over the opponent's goal line, but a number of great chances missed the SAK amateurish. Alone Grega Triplat had three hundreds, even Jolić and Lausegger would have had to decide the game prematurely. In the 55th Minute showed raffaello network the solid game manager Manfred Krassnitzer after a handball by Križnik on the penalty spot. Hebenstreit scored from the point only the rod, the two additional contributions could clarify goalie Marcel Reich man with two big highlights. Ex-SAKler raffaello network Rene partl pounded in the 84th Minute the ball after a nice volley at the bar - good luck for the SAK. Just before the end of the game succeeded in Domestic nor the first goal. Regal converted the second penalty safely. With these important three took stock of the SAK some air in a relegation battle. The only criticism was the lack of chances, the game