Monday, December 23, 2013

there are about this theme so much to say and I have talked a lot in the two weeks, as esther new l

few days before I decided one of my "western" (yes, here is a clear distinction) to attract shells. it's actually 0815, sleeveless, black with normal v-neck, which is possible to see not too much. what can I say? when looking new look shoes in the mirror, I realized: I felt naked! no, not really naked, but ... let's say ... underdressed .... so far so it was already gekommen.kraft my water soup then I've decided to keep it. you have to trust him some day what, right? new look shoes on this day I was thinking about cause RentabilitatChanged clothing standards. possible in the dtl anzieharbeit rather a degree of migration between "attractive" and "practical". they tried somehow to look good here and there and perhaps occasionally to indicate what (I'm not asking names of the current television luders Enter). somehow wants man / woman so finally come to something, right? however, the application here in mumbai could hardly strange going from outfit. because: new look shoes I do not believe it, no matter what the clothing style, I offered here on unique art is missing. Unfortunately, this has less to do with whether I'm attractive or young or something. I'm white (= attractive). class, so easy kanns be ... now, some disdain pale mitteleropaerin mentioned in the country of the eternally flowing honey ... but care! Appearances are deceptive. it may be that I ueberdramatisiere occasionally. it may be that I am a little sensitive there and it may be that I type in this fashion now simply do not like would like to stand in the center point! white as a piece of meat! So just imagine the following: something new look shoes vermorgenmuffelt, rumpled and sweaty again I trot to the train station and introduce myself ladies compartment on the train platform in height-direction churchgate. (I do since now almost new look shoes 6 months) so I stand and watch in the direction, is coming out of the train (sometimes the train has 12 carriages, then what is in front, then you have to keep running back, because, logo, also the location of the ladies a compartment shifts). what is wrong? I might watch in the wrong direction? because three-quarters of maenner on the station platform (there are a percentage of only about 10% of women on the way) look in my direction .... uh ... ok, look forward. so it holds opposite a train from the opposite direction. it is full. from the tueren sources MEN. whistle every time one or two and call me to something that I'm not listening to music for the purpose in the ear, but also does not need to hear ... now you multiply this event with the regularity of .... let's say .... every day?
the absurd for me is also because self-confident with what normality fat me ugly maenner appeal beyond the 40 who have at home ALL a woman on the street! I would nateurlich reply: oh how nice, yeah let's go to you and FI * & = ) T gagged mixes with the urgent need something long pointed to the ram abdomen new look shoes of the man, or at least give him a new face ! yes, something I think then. and yes, I do not like me. it cost me a lot of scary power, then this negative attitude does not carry around all day with me and skip to other innocent people ...
So: no to anyone, not a nice word, no laecheln because the sun is shining so beautiful eye contact today. it may be that I'm exaggerating, and these strict rules, which I daily on the aufzwinge me away through the streets, new look shoes are not always necessary. unfortunately I can not change from one second to another, and sometimes I scare myself when I merrily humming house go from my view and probably radiates a joy to live on, which is then equal to the front reinterpreted on the street corner ...
there are about this theme so much to say and I have talked a lot in the two weeks, as esther new look shoes was here in mumbai, with her about it. yet I've also found that it again would be easier new look shoes for me if I just accept some conditions (accept?) would. IF that's new look shoes unfortunately not at all. even or especially because I work on another colloquial experience for example with maenner and actually almost never have gefuehl, staring, etc. to become. it works! this stupid stupid masses ....
and so before I completely ruin my day with these unimportant hire, listening to now. it'm still Gopal's family images to scan and must robert persuade me to make a packet ready for dtl!
I think this can / must not accept ... I find it particularly burdensome that one can look anywhere without someone new look shoes feels addressed you. In India now there is a lack indeed not just to men: (I have the

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