Friday, May 8, 2015

Winter masks National Radio

The next 17 and 18 January 2015tendrá place in the towns of Viana do Bolo and Vilariño de Conso's jaeger first encounter masks different jaeger locations jaeger in Asturias, Leon, Portuguese and Galician course.
Dear friends. Masquerade Iberian born as a meeting place to hold the information of all the Peninsula masks willing to give their information. Also we want to go upsetting the information related to the fantastic world of traditions expressed through the Masks
Winter masks National Radio
You may be interested The guirria and bonus San Juan de Beleño We bring the program jaeger masquerade Bragança (Portugal) Video promotion of Valledor you reises Mecerreyes Carnival Videos of Vijanera
Masquerade Iberian With this website we intend to publicize the silent masks and traditions associated with them. In a modern, cosmopolitan society, it is almost a miracle they survived jaeger to this day many samples of ancient masks. Our idea to bring all the traditions and involve all those who show interest in something so ingrained in the popular culture of those who have managed to maintain their identity.

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