Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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In his account of Nat comments Scout 2528 are set out in Article 35 the young girls might be called the beam guides, which have the approval of the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts. And the word "Scout" in the Act. Scouting provides girls with mean. Scouts and Guides tradition and events alike. Extraordinary Scout Training It is the youth who are studying in secondary school. Or vocational And tertiary To encourage young people veste to behave in Scouting. With the following objectives: 1. To promote good citizenship, youth 2. To provide youth services, community services and the National Scout 3. To arrange experiences that are useful and challenging to 4. opportunities for youth to develop their potential 5. encouragement to live happily in society. 6. Youth and efficiently to participate veste actively in community development society based on the ideals of the national Scout. Extraordinary ideals of Scouting "services" Extraordinary Scouts need to develop their own ideology to be a good citizen. veste Quality and meet the objectives of the national Scout. The par Scouts Act (No. 3) Act 2528, Section 7, which states that "The National Scouting Scouting aims to develop intellectually, physically, mentally and morally to be a good citizen. Responsibility Help create a society that is making progress. For the peace and stability of the nation, "according to the following guidelines: 1. Make a habit of obedience and self-reliance 2. Remember that honesty. Discipline and compassion for others to recognize 3. Ben Bam their dedications 4. to recognize the skilled and trained to do various activities 5. known cure. And promote veste traditional culture and stability of the nation. However, regardless of any political ideology Source: textbooks, supplementary activities revised 2002-0001 1 Page 2 Extraordinary Scouting activities.
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