Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Pentagon

It is generally expected and hoped that a country’s national security is not threatened by domestic traitors who deliberately jeopardize their homeland for monetary rewards. It hardly matters panerai how powerful and efficient a nation’s military is when its mandate to defend the country is undermined from within the government due to the machinations of the country’s domestic enemies. One of the greatest assets protecting America’s national security is its intelligence community and military that spends a great deal of their time identifying and assessing threats to national security and evaluating terrorism threats at home and abroad. Recently, the Department of Defense identified a major threat to America’s national security and in doing so exposed domestic enemies intent on reinforcing the threat with millions of dollars for propaganda, blatant lies, and diversion.
The nation’s enemies are a familiar cult led by the Koch brothers who, with their foot soldiers in the Republican Party, teabagger movement, and evangelical Christians, are working in concert to enable terrorism and threaten America’s national security in the pursuit of power and money. Last week the Department of Defense and Pentagon identified global climate change as a threat to national security panerai and warned it will increase terrorist activities that will certainly affect America. One might think an ominous national security threat warning from the Pentagon would engender a response and call to arms to confront the threat and minimize its danger, but there has been as little reaction to the DOD’s warning today as there was in 2006 when the Central Intelligence Agency and Pentagon first alerted the nation to the real and present danger climate change poses to national security.
The panerai only politicians acknowledging the Pentagon and intelligence community warnings are President Obama and Senate panerai Democrats who spent more than 14 hours around the clock Monday night to draw attention to the incredible dangers posed by climate change, and to compel congressional Republicans to stop ignoring the national security threat before it is too late. However, Democrats and the President are up against a formidable foe in the Koch brothers’ John Birch acolytes that could not possibly care less about climate change or the threat it poses to national security.
The Pentagon is not the only national agency that has warned Americans about the threat climate change poses to the nation. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ), US Federal Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA ), the federal Government Accounting Office ( GAO ) and a preponderance of climate scientists (97%) have all warned the nation’s leaders about the increasing danger to America of ignoring global climate change. However, there is little activity to combat the threat to national security and increased terrorism because a substantial number of Americans panerai are inclined to believe the traitorous Koch brothers instead of the agencies tasked with protecting America and scientists who have warned for well over a decade that climate change is a legitimate threat to America at home and its interests around the globe.
The Pentagon’s report, 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review , identified the impacts of climate change they call “ threat multipliers ” that “ will increase the frequency, panerai scale, and complexity of future missions ,” and outlines some “ creative ways ” of addressing them. The QDR reports that climate change will “ devastate homes, land, and infrastructure, ” as well as “ exacerbate water scarcity and lead to sharp increases in food costs .” According to the QDR, the desperation that many people, particularly in poorer regions like southern America, will face due to climate change impacts could lead to “resource competition” panerai and “ terrorist activity. The pressure caused by climate change will influence resource competition while placing additional burdens on economies, societies, and governance institutions around the world. These effects are threat multipliers that will aggravate stressors such as poverty, environmental degradation, political instability, and social tensions; conditions that enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence .”
What the report did not cite were recent examples of increasingly severe weather events as a result of climate change that already devastated entire regions in America whether it is the worst drought over the past 500 years in California, increased flooding and wild fires, or Hurricane Sandy that wreaked havoc on the Eastern seaboard precisely as climate scientists predicted 6 years ago. However, it is unlikely to sway many American’s opinion on climate change because the Koch brothers, evangelicals, and Repub

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